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Ras Mohammed National Park Half Day Tour by Bus

sharm el sheikh ras mohammed national park

Sharm el Sheikh Ras Mohammed National Park Jewel of the Red Sea 

Ras Mohammed National Park is a breathtaking underwater and desert wonderland located at the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt.

Established in 1983, it encompasses over 480 square kilometers of land and sea, making it one of the largest and most diverse protected areas in the Red Sea.

Renowned for its vibrant coral reefs, teeming marine life, and rugged desert landscapes, the park offers a plethora of activities and experiences for nature enthusiasts, divers, and adventurers alike.

Underwater Delights:

The crown jewel of Ras Mohammed lies beneath the waves. With crystal-clear waters and over 250 species of coral, the park boasts some of the most stunning reefs in the Red Sea. Divers and snorkelers can explore a variety of underwater wonders.

Shark Reef:

Encounter majestic gray reef sharks, whitetip reef sharks, and other marine life amidst vibrant coral formations.

Yolanda Reef:

Dive alongside the fascinating wreck of the SS Yolanda, a British cargo ship sunk in 1980, where you’ll find remnants of its cargo, including tanks, toilets, and motorbikes.

Anemone City:

Witness a mesmerizing underwater metropolis of colorful anemones teeming with clownfish, damselfish, and other inhabitants.

The Eel Garden: 

Glide through a forest of swaying moray eels and explore the diverse marine life nestled within the coral formations.


Mangrove Kayaking:

Paddle through the park’s lush mangrove forests, home to a variety of birdlife and unique ecosystems.

Bedouin Encounters:

Learn about the rich culture and traditions of the Bedouin people and experience their hospitality in their desert camps.

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